Business Expansion & Development Services LLC
Partners with America’s growing businesses
Contact Us Anytime For A Free Consultation.
Telephone: (602) 577-2351
Email: peter@busexpdev.com
Business Planning, Financial Analysis, Key Performance Indicator & Operating Improvement services.

"Plan What You Do And Do What You Plan."
Peter Leftwich BA FCA
Born in England, I obtained my degree in Business Studies from Newcastle Upon Tyne
Polytechnic. After graduation, I qualified as a Chartered Accountant in London, and
I have worked for four companies during my career.
At those four companies, I have gained extensive operations, financial and general management experience, mainly in high-volume, multi-site distribution environments. I am results oriented and have been involved in business planning, financial analysis, model building, process mapping & problem-solving throughout my career.
Most recently, I was part of an executive management team that implemented an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. We developed a rigorous Business Plan that we updated every year to guide and facilitate our growth. We developed a Vision, Mission and employee centric values to ensure that we could articulate the reasons for, and the destination of, our journey and gain buy-in from all employees. The Company grew from $25m to $125m and achieved 7% compound growth in Sales and Share Price over a 20-year period which included the 2008/9 recession. During my time I was appointed to the Board and was Chairman of the Management Succession Committee. I was also Leader of the Resource Planning Team which managed and developed our property portfolio of over 500,000 square feet.
In 2023 I established Business Expansion & Development Services LLC to provide Business Planning, Financial Analysis, Key Performance Indicator & Operating Improvement services to America’s growing businesses.